01 January 2009

For auld lang syne, my jo, / For auld lang syne

Last night I went to Oklahoma City with Brad and Amanda to ring in the New Year in Bricktown, an old warehouse district that has been converted into a neighborhood of bars, restaurants, and shops. We walked around for a little while before settling in Tapwerks Ale House, a pub with hundreds of beer choices. When we first walked in, after paying the $10 cover (very cheap compared to what most other bars were charging), we tried to find a table, but there was nothing open on the first or second floors. Luckily, we stood around for a few moments and then a booth opened. We had several good beers and good conversation for a couple hours, just the three of us in a six-person booth.

Then a guy, ironically named Billy, came up to us and explained that his wife was pregnant and they couldn't find anywhere to sit, and he asked if they and another married couple could join us. We obliged. The two couples were a lot of fun, and Billy bought us a few rounds of shots. Between the shots and the several 7-9% beers I drank, I was feeling pretty good by the time we had the champagne toast at midnight. There was just one problem: I was the only single guy in a group of three couples, which is how my life seems to be going the past few months. Everyone decided that at midnight I should have someone to kiss, but as my luck would have it, there was no random stranger available.

Shortly after midnight, Brad and I decided to go upstairs to look around and have a cigarette -- the first floor was completely non-smoking, but the upstairs, which was full of pool tables and dart boards, allowed it. As we left the table, Amanda told Brad, "make sure Josh finds someone to make out with."

I've never been one to make out with random drunk girls in bars, but last night I was willing to give it a try. We walked up to the second floor and stood near the stairs watching people come up and down. After a few minutes, a line of girls came by us to go downstairs. One of them, toward the end of the line, made eye contact with me and smiled. She was ridiculously cute and just my type: thin, shoulder-length straight brown hair, freckles, beautiful eyes behind eurotrash glasses.

When she approached me, I leaned in and said, "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year," she said.

"Are you having a good time?"

"I'm having an amazing time."

"I'm having an amazing time too."

She smiled again. I reached my hand out and said, "I'm Joshua."

She shook my hand. "Ashley." Then she got the attention of the girl in front of her. When her friend turned around, Ashley gestured toward me and asked her friend, "Well?"

Her friend looked at me, shook her head, and said, "I don't think so."

And without a word, Ashley, the beautiful random stranger, walked down the stairs. Brad looked at me and asked, "What happened? I thought that was a sure thing." I told him what her friend said, and he laughed and told me I'd just been cock-blocked. I've never been cock-blocked by a girl before. But I've also never tried to make out with random strangers on New Year's Eve in a bar in Oklahoma City. I guess there really is a first time for everything.


Stephanie said...

I suppose that sounds like a very good New Year, though I spend my New Year Nights in bed. So anythings sounds more fun than that.

Thanks for the text. I didn't get it til this morning, but it made me smile. Dillon just looked at me strangely.

Joshua Cross said...

Why did Dillon look at you strangely? My love was for him too.

Stephanie said...

Because he was tired and sick, but it sounds more scandalous if I don't explain it.

Lacey said...

wow...thanks for sharing this story Josh, cock blocked by a girl, wild. I felt the same way this New Years though. Single for the first time in 4 years, its been a total mind trip and there I was thinking "who am I going to kiss for new years? why do I even care?" But I did care and wanted there to be a random stranger waiting for me. I kinda wish I had been in an unknown city like you rather than Shepherdstown so that the person I preyed on wouldn't be someone I wouldnt have to see again. "sigh" shepherdstown....

Joshua Cross said...

Aww, Lacey, if we'd been in the same place, we could have been one another's not-so-random not-so-stranger.

Coming out of long relationships is quite a rediscovering process. Years ago I dated the same girl for six years and we almost got married. Just figuring out who I was and what I was doing with my life was one of the most painful experiences I've ever had. Hang in there.

Sigh, Shepherdstown, indeed.

Lacey said...

haha...at the point I was at around midnight (about 7 drinks in) not-so-random-not-so-stranger would have worked just fine for me :)
At least we have a whole year until that possibility of being single on new years happens again, bon chance.

Joshua Cross said...

Well, I'm glad to know it takes seven drinks before you'd be okay with that. Just joshin'.

The good thing about depressing holidays to spend single -- such as New Year's and Valentine's -- is that they only come around once a year. The rest of the time, you can have fun being single.

Lacey said...

oh wait..i didnt mean it that way...that I would have to have 7 first...opps :)

Joshua Cross said...

I know. I'm just giving you a hard time.

Anonymous said...

Funny how New Years and Valentine's Day are both in the depths of depressing old winter. It is practically engineered to make singles unwisely flock together out of sheer longing, or to just drink themselves silly 2 times a year.

Sigh indeed.

Joshua Cross said...

It is awfully convenient that two most depressing holidays (if you're single, but sometime even when you aren't) are during the coldest months of the year. Good design, universe.

Unknown said...

Euro trash glasses in a bar is your type?

Once i read "she came in with a line a girls," i knew that would be trouble. chicks come in groups and probably leave in groups. you have to make the cute one leave the herd so can talk to her w/o the mean cock blocker, theres one in every group, nearby.
even though i am not a expert by any means of making out with girls in bars. just something i have observed. when i do go to bars and dont drink, i just sit and observe people like national geographic

Joshua Cross said...

I have a thing for glasses.

And you're right about the herd instinct of the human female. Just like with caribou, you have to isolate one away from the herd.