24 December 2008

... the secret of durable pigments, prophetic sonnets, the refuge of art.

To ring in the (almost) new year, I decided to go with a new title and new layout for my blog. The original title was meant only as a placeholder, and I never really liked it all that much in the first place. Too dramatic. And I grew terribly bored with the old layout, everything all brown and smooshed together. Let me know what you think of this -- I don't know if it's permanent or not.

Oh, and happy christmas evening.


Stephanie said...

I quite like it. It's very blue. And green. And ... sea-like, or forest-like, or wrapping paper-like, or many-blue-and-green-colored-things-like.

Also, Happy Christmas, Cross.

Joshua Cross said...

Thank you, Rinehart. Happy Christmas to you too.