13 December 2008


I just submitted final grades, so now I am officially done for the semester. It's ridiculous how relieved I feel since I didn't realize I was stressed in the first place. Mentally, I've been done for more than a week. But now it's official, and I feel so free.

And then tomorrow I get to start the sixteen-hour, 1,000 mile drive home to Beckley. With a dog who has never been in a car for more than an hour. And it looks like the entire way home, I'll be driving through a "wintry mix," which is the dumbest term for weather patterns I've ever heard. Should be an adventure.

1 comment:

Ms. Frances said...

Oh my, you do have an adventure in store for you. I hope you have time to stop by the library and get some audiobooks. Marley and Me, perhaps, or (better yet!) Travels with Charley.

P.S. Congratulations on your completion!