09 December 2008

Jack Frost can bite me

File this one under "what the?!"

Yesterday Stillwater had a high temperature of 71. Yes, that's right, 71 degrees Fahrenheit. Even late last night it dropped only to the 50s. Nice, right?

Imagine my consternation when I walked the dog this morning in the freezing flipping cold. At this moment, 12:21 pm CST, it is 30 degrees outside; with the wind chill, it feels like 17, and it is always windy here. The high for today is 32, and they're predicting around an inch of snowfall.

Snow I can deal with. But a temperature swing that drastic in a twenty-four hour span? I hate Oklahoma winters already.


jeremy said...

it sounds like oklahoma winter hates you!

Joshua Cross said...

Indeed it does. Stupid winter.

Stephanie said...

I like winter, but I don't like drastic changes. For this, I think the mid-Atlantic may be better than Oklahoma.

Joshua Cross said...

The MidAtlantic has some pretty drastic changes too, but usually more in the late winter/early spring. I remember in Shepherdstown having days in February when it would be 65 one day and snowing the next. Still, even those weren't this drastic.

Ms. Frances said...

This is a classic case of the local being warmed by the global, as in climate change. It's real, Limbaugh. Just ask our friend Jo Davy.

Joshua Cross said...

According to some scientists, we are not entering a period of global warming, but in fact a period of global cooling. I want to ask those people when they last had to wear a sweater in August.