03 September 2008

Update re:dog

I dropped Ixi off at the vet this morning and picked her back up around 5:00 this evening. She's doing about as well as a 14-pound dog who just recovered from anaesthesia and is wearing a plastic lampshade around her neck can be expected to do. I don't know when we'll learn the results of the histopathology they're performing on the mass, but hopefully it's soon, and hopefully it's good news.

On an exciting note, we now have two more medications to give her. Yay! She loves medicine! (Note that I cannot remember the last time I ended two sentences in a row with exclamation points.) And she gets to wear the plastic lampshade for two weeks. Yay!

In other news, I'm still not prepared for my foreign language exam tomorrow. The good news is I can keep retaking it; I just need to have it finished before I complete my coursework and start my dissertation. Taking it tomorrow seems pointless, and I would be inclined to skip out if I hadn't already payed $30 to take the test. But, I tell myself, this will help me to prepare for the exam when I take it in the future.

See, I have to have "reading knowledge" of two foreign languages or "mastery" of one. The difference between reading knowledge and mastery? Time. The test consists of translating two 250-word passages into English with the use of a dictionary. (Simple, you say? Looking up words in a dictionary takes up a lot more time than you may expect.) For reading knowledge, I have to translate both passages in under three hours. For mastery, I have to do it in under an hour and a half. At this point, I know I'm not going to get mastery: I'm just not that fluent. I considered accepting reading knowledge and trying later to pass the French exam, but now I think it may be easier to practice for a while and improve my German vocabulary and retake the exam over the summer or next fall and shoot for mastery. Taking the test tomorrow seems pointless since I know that, even if I pass with reading knowledge, I'm going to take it again.

In related news, I love grad school. Not really. The first week was great, but now I'm quickly remembering why I disliked it the first time round. I'm sure it will get better once I start actually workshopping in my fiction writing class, but for now I'm tired of school. The long weekend only made me want to take a longer vacation. But that's how holidays always make us feel, isn't it? We only want a longer break.

Unless you're Frances. And then you're just a nerd.


Ms. Frances said...


Did you try the peanut butter?? Fingers crossed on her tests and yours!

Joshua Cross said...

Tried it. She licked the peanut butter off and then spit the pill out. She's a smart one.