25 August 2008

I'm a proud parent

Yeah, so ... we got a dog. Which you know if you've been reading Erika's blog because she's much better than I am about updating it frequently. (But she also has a little more free time on her hands. And by a little, I mean a lot.)

Ixi Grace, our new miniature schnauzer, is quite a character. She was very odd the first few days, but she's beginning to come out of her shell. The first day we had her (Saturday) she would not go outside. She's gotten much better now though, and runs out the door as soon as you open it. When I let her out of her crate at 6:45 this morning, she ran immediately to the door to go out.

The first day she was also really terrible on the leash and would thrash about if you put any tension on it at all. Since then she's gotten much better, and is actually walkable.

She still hates the stairs though. She freezes and occasionally trembles as you try to get her to go up or down the stairs, and unfortunately we live on the second floor. With a lot of patience, a lot of coaxing and rewarding, and a lot of time, she will now go up and down. She's not happy about it though.

Erika mentioned her strange eating habit of grabbing a few bites of food and walking into the next room to eat them. Last night I mixed a pouch of wet food with her dry food, and she hasn't done it since. Erika also mentioned that she completely ignores her toys, and she still does for the most part. But this morning after I walked her, she attacked her stuffed hedgehog and thrashed him about a few times. Erika says she also played with her ball this afternoon, but I missed it.

She's a sweet dog and docile. She has developed a real attachment to Erika and follows her from room to room throughout the apartment. When she sees Erika coming, she gets excited and as animated as we've seen her yet.

Tomorrow morning she goes to the vet, so we'll see how she does. She's such a well behaved girl that I'm not anticipating real problems, but she is terrified of almost anything new, so we'll see which competing side of her wins.

Oh yeah, and grad school is fun so far. More on that some other time. I've got a bit of a cold, and I need to take Ixi out again and put us both to bed.


Stephanie said...

Awwww. Glad it's working out well.
I have cats now. Cats that don't like me because I won't let them jump into my bag and get all my stuff furry.
You have the superior pet.

Joshua Cross said...

How'd the move work out? I'm assuming that why you have cats now.

And what does the new move/job mean for you and the fuzzy boy?

Ms. Frances said...

That is so endearing! She's beginning to trust you! She reminds me of Molly, my grandmother's dog whom my parents are now keeping. When Meck first got her, she didn't know HOW to walk on stairs and would trip and stumble but mostly just stay at the bottom of them and cry for us. She was tramatized by a kennel and so she's still really neurotic but very sweet. I can't wait to hear how Ixi blossoms as she gets used to you!

And get well soon!

Joshua Cross said...

Yeah, I can't wait to see how much she blossoms too. She's already improved remarkably considering all she's been through. Considering the fact that the first two years of her life she lived in a cage and did nothing but eat, get pregnant, have puppies. Considering the fact she's been at a rescue kennel the past several months. Considering the fact that she just got spayed Friday. Considering the fact that she's only been here since Saturday. She really is a great dog, and the vet told me that too this morning.

Wendi said...

Our dog does the same thing with food. She will get a few bites and then go in to the dining room to eat. Weird. Glad you guys got yourselves a dog.

Joshua Cross said...

Hi Wendi! Glad to hear Ixi isn't the only weirdo.