30 July 2008

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow

Today is my last full day in Shepherdstown. Tomorrow we load up and drive down to Beckley for two nights, and then on to Parkersburg Saturday for Seth and Rachel's wedding. And then Sunday we begin the long drive to the Sooner State, stopping somewhere in Missouri Sunday night and finishing the drive Monday morning.

I'm still having mixed feelings. It's definitely started to be sadder for me now that it's about to happen. I've been preparing for this move for months, but it has snuck up on me.

Last night I hung out with Jeremy, and we had a good time. It was the first time in quite a while that it was just the two of us sitting around talking. On my drive home from Harper's Ferry last night, I felt truly sad about what I'm leaving behind. But I'm still excited for what is to come, and I feel that this is the right thing for me.

I got my (very) tentative teaching schedule the other day, and I'm starting to get excited about starting school again. Grad school is a pain in the ass, but it is also a lot of fun. A lot of work, but a good community of people with common goals and interests.

Well, that's about all for now. The next post I make I will likely be in Oklahoma. Unless, of course, our cheap motel in Missouri has wireless internet.

27 July 2008

Going away

You know what I hate? Moving and leaving friends behind. But you know what I don't hate? Going away parties. And we've had quite a few this week.

Friday night, Erika hosted a party at her old apartment. It was almost all her friends, so it was really her gig more than mine. We sat around in the back yard, cooked out, drank beer, played croquet, and had a good time in general. Stephanie and Melissa, who planned the whole thing, even decided to have a cowboy theme since we're going to Oklahoma.

Then last night, TC and Kevin had a cookout for us, and it was more my style, very laid back, people sitting around the back porch talking and eating good food. Many people I graduated with were there, like TC, Suzanne, and even Sarah Alouf, whom I hadn't seen in ages. A lot of the English faculty were also there, such as Alan and Betty. The highlight for me, however, was that Dr. Carter came, so I got to see him one last time before I left. My parents were even there because they came up yesterday to take the table and a few other things.

Speaking of furniture, Brandon and John picked up the couch today, so I've pretty much unloaded all of my furniture. I'm going home to an empty apartment later. Egads!

The sadness of moving hasn't quite hit me yet. More than anything, I'm excited to go and start my new life in my new home. But I think I don't fully realize the move is about to happen. I don't think I fully realize that in a few days (Thursday) we're going to drive out of town and not come back. That Sunday morning we're going to start the long drive, and Monday morning move into our new apartment in Stillwater, OK, where I will most likely live for the next five years.

Now that I put it like that. ...

23 July 2008


This is just a placeholder first post because I have nothing of real value to say at this point. Just pretend it's interesting, and there will be more here one day.